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Teacher Librarian Fieldwork

Over the past two semesters, I completed my fieldwork at two school library sites, 45 hours each. For my secondary school placement, I worked with Ashley Brockman at Palos Verdes Peninsula High School. For my elementary school placement, I worked with Maura Large at Chadwick School.


Below are examples of my work at both sites.

Daily Logs

At each site, I kept a daily log of the activities I participated in and my reflections on what I learned that day. 

Teaching and Learning

At each site, I taught a classroom lesson on digital citizenship. Here are my lesson plans. 


I joined the AP Research class to help them review plagiarism and how to properly use sources in their papers, with practice and examples. Classroom time was  then given for students to edit their official papers.

Lesson Plan: 


Avoiding Plagiarism_SlidesOnly (1).png

I joined a ninth grade English grade and helped students tie the propaganda they read about in Animal Farm to real-world examples. We practiced recognizing fake and unreliable news and how to verify our sources.

Lesson Plan: 



Student Version:

Student Activities:

Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment

At each site, I worked with the librarian to improve the technology available or how the available technology was serving the students.  


For each month celebrating diversity, the library creates displays of the relevant books for students to check-out. To make those books more available to staff and students, I recreated a Destiny Collection for each month's theme -- searchable lists of curated materials in our catalog. Because you have to be logged into our online catalog to view them, I've attached a print-out of one below. 


Ms. Brockman was interested in purchasing Virtual Reality technology for either classroom checkout or individual student use. I researched the various options and summed up my findings with a purchase recommendation and suggested uses.

Program Administration

At each site, I helped support school-wide initiatives to either promote literacy outside the library or to bring into the library needed services.   


Twice a week, students here normally participate in advisory activities. However, when nothing is planned, the library can get chaotic because of the overflow of students with nowhere to be. To curb this, we want to turn the library into a "Hub" during those hours, where we offer extracurricular educational activities to students led by library staff or volunteer teachers. While we wait for administrative permission, we planned a mini-Hub for the study week before finals instead. 


Each summer, the whole school reads one book together that touches on an important social or cultural theme. In the fall, every class on campus is supposed to address the book, not just English. I created lesson plan ideas for how curriculums could incorporate the book Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, which were to be shared at the beginning of year In-Service meetings. 

Chadwick Library.png
Ethnographic Research

At each site, I conducted an ethnographic research activity to better understand my site and the population served. 

I surveyed teachers on their library usage so that we could improve our faculty outreach. 

In order to better understand the collection and whether or not it reflects the diversity on campus, I helped audit part of the middle school book collection.

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