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Educational Technology and Media Leadership

with Teacher Librarian Services Credential

Program Overview:

The Master of Arts in Education, Option in Educational Technology and Media Leadership degree provides foundations and practical skills for individuals seeking career growth in educational, corporate, and public service settings that use educational technologies including resources for e-learning and social media. The program prepares graduates for leadership roles in educational institutions and other agencies; it provides training in instructional design, multimedia development and management, and e-learning, and it builds a foundation for individuals planning to pursue doctoral degrees.

From the official program website

Course descriptions from Course Catalog

Core Courses

510. Foundations of Educational Technology and Media

Introduction to technology and media use in education and training. Overview of theoretical approaches, research trends, major developments, and prominent issues in the field. Incorporation of social, historical, psychological, and philosophical perspectives in the study of technology and media

523. Information and Digital Literacies

Information and digital literacies; principles and theories for integrating technologies into learning environments to improve planning, designing and implementing learning experiences; issues of technology planning, collaboration, and assessment; and digital citizenship.

525. Digital Culture and Society

Critical examination of social and cultural implications of information technologies and media. Issues of cultural bias, equity, and questions of who benefits from particular technologies. International applications and implications of information technologies.

530. Leadership in Technology and Media

Examines the role of leadership as it relates to the implementation of educational technologies and media. Theory, knowledge, and skills necessary to use, evaluate, plan, manage, and implement technologies effectively. Administrative issues associated with computers, including security and cyber-ethics.

551. Education and the Internet 

Survey of educational applications throughout the Internet. Characteristics of teaching and learning mediated through the Internet; analysis and design of Internet-based learning activities; design and development of online courses; implementation, management, and administration of online learning.

570. E-Learning Design and Development 

Introduction to e-learning design and development, including project management, instructional analyses and strategies, software selection, and evaluation. Interactive multimedia development applications, processes, and principles. Design and production of technology-enhanced instruction.

Research Methods

520. Quantitative Research Methods in Education

Examination and application of quantitative educational research methodology including research designs, sampling methods, inferential statistics and hypothesis testing, and the structure and content of a research proposal.

595. Qualitative Research Methods in Education

Examination, analysis, and application of qualitative research methodology including various types of methods, designs, data collection strategies, data analysis and presentation of findings techniques; qualitative research study construction.

Electives in Library and Information Science

540. Organization of Resources

Theories of organizing resources; rationale and use of library catalogs; principles and practice in classification and cataloging applied to information organizations; technical processing and organization resources; managing collections and their access.

545. Reading for Leisure and Learning 

Selection and use of a wide variety of literature and informational texts to reinforce literacy instruction; reading promotion for learning, personal growth and enjoyment.

580. Field Experience

Students investigate and experience occupation or environment utilizing a form of educational technology. Under instructor guidance, students perform 90 field experience hours in educational technology environment. Instructor approval required for site selection

Exit Requirement

695. Seminar in Educational Technology

Studies in educational technology including reviews of literature, critique of educational technology research, and systematic development and evaluation of areas of students' prior work.

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